I don't have enough words to explain how happy we are about having another child. We have been so blessed since we got married and this is a BIG blessing for us, to be pregnant again, to give this baby lots of care and love. Danny has changed my life for the better, he has made me a better person, a more patient and loving women, my love for my little guy is so big and so endless I am not sure how i will share that with a new baby, but I am sure that when I have our new baby in my arms I will feel the same love, and I will feel like a more complete person. Daniel is beyond excited about me being pregnant again, I don't even know were to start....his eyes are filled with joy when we talk about it, he even bought a few things for the new baby already...pink stuff I might add, he really wants a girl, and we both do, be would love a baby girl but at the same time we would love to have another boy so him and Danny can have more things in common, but no matter what the sex of the baby will be we will receive this baby with open arms and with a big kiss. When Daniel and I found out I was pregnant again it got me thinking what a miracle it is to be blessed with children, what a miracle it is to hold a human being in my body for 9mo. So far my pregnancy symptoms have been wonderful, I just feel some cramps once in a while and I am a little tired, I love it! when I was pregnant with Danny I always felt sick, we hope that I am able to feel this great throughout the whole thing, I started going to gym before trying to get pregnant again and I have kept it up so far, I go 3 times a week, and by just doing that it gives me more energy through out the day.
We are excited for the summer, for afternoon walks, for playtime at the park with Danny, for picnics, for going to the lake, to wear cute pregnancy clothes, we are specially excited for Daniel to graduate!......and let's not forget....DANNY'S BIRTHDAY NEXT MONTH!! May 31st, the day that Danny was born and brought more joy to our life. Our little guy is not walking on his own quite yet, he has taken a couple of steps by himself like I mentioned last time, I can't believe he will be one year old soon, he already has 8 teeth, a ton of hair, nice chunky muscles, loves to say papa (actually he usually just yells when he says it: PAAAAPAAAAAAA), he got checked a couple days ago and his Iron level is great, he is a very content and loud boy, everybody is always telling me two things: that he is handsome and that he has a very boy deep voice for a baby....I am guessing they say that because he is usually making some kind of loud noise no matter where we are haha.
So here is a picture of me pregnant with Danny.....em I ready to be this big again?...I remember feeling at this point that my belling button was going to pop out.