VANESSA: We love this sweet girl! we love how femenine she already looks, we love her demanding little but loud screams, her black hair and brown eyes and cute button nose makes us want to hug her and kiss her all the time. She brings a sweet spirit in the home, she has started to smile and it is just adorable, hopefully we will get a picture of it soon. I can't believe that she is already a month and a half old, part of me loves it because hopefully that means she will start sleeping better! She loves to cuddle in bed with us, and we really like that. Her personality is a lot like Danny's when he was a baby so we are going to be really busy for a long time. She is easily loved by everybody who meets her, my sisters love her and always want to hold her, she brings the sweet soft side of everybody in the house when they are around her. VANESSA WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH! I look forward to Vanessa sleeping better and getting her ears pierced when she is 3 or 4 months, oh she is going to look even more cute!
DANNY: He is a great older brother. He has done so well with the new change in our lives. Sure, he gets a little jealous sometimes, but most of the time he loves being around her and rubbing her head, putting a blanket on her legs, putting her pacifier back in her mouth, oh and we think it is so sweet when he tries to say her name, to him it is not Vanessa, it is: NE! (at least he can say part of her name hahaha) He loves to play, eat lots of fruits, he likes playing peek a boo, he loves to be chased, he likes to wrestle, he is still very much in love with stuff animals, he has recently found books interesting so we read him some baby books sometimes, although he usually won't let us finish the book because he wants to take the book and be the one that flips the pages. He LOVES to dance, our little guy has some great Latino genes in him, he loves to dance salsa, merengue, bachata.....but he pretty much just likes to dance to any fun, up beat music. We love him so much, I love how his imagination just keeps growing, he's learned to entertained himself better, but what he really loves is when everybody in the house plays with him, he likes that kind of attention and gets really happy. For Danny I look forward for spring and summer to come so I can take our little energetic son to play outside and do more outdoor activities, I do not look forward to potty training him since it is easier to have him in diapers right now but he shows signs that he is ready so we will start soon, maybe in a month or two.
*I forgot to add that Danny really likes turning on and off the TV in my parents room.
*Yesterday I turned on some cartoons on the computer for Danny, I turn around and he had made himself confortable on his little couch, with a blue pillow under his feet, a big white pillow on his lap to rest his arms on, and a blanket around him...he was ready to watch some cartoons haha! what a silly guy, when did he learn to do all that?
We are beyond grateful to be here at my parent's house, the help they give me has been beyond awesome, I don't know how people do it with more than 2 kids, but I definitely look up to them! As far as things are right now I am super busy, if it's not with the kids, it's doing laundry or cleaning the rooms, or making meals, or feeding the kids, and I could keep on going because it is a long list, but above all this I have never been so happy, our little family feels complete, and that is a good feeling.
They are both growing so fast! I love Vanessa's bracelet, she is stylish like her mother! See you soon!