Friday, March 26, 2010


My Brother Kevin had a Birthday on the 19th, I can't believe he is already 17 years old! I still think of him as my baby brother....he hates it when I call him that. Kevin is such an awesome brother, he is always willing to help when I ask him to help me out with the kids, he laughs at my jokes! ....I mean, who doesn't though right? I am hillarious! He LOVES it when I call him Dimitry (that his nickname I gave him) No one can make Danny laugh as much as uncle Kevin have. Which reminds me that next time I take the kids to a photo shot I will take Kevin...Danny doesn't smile for photo shot sessions, at least not for us. Soon my brother will go o his mission, even though I know it's good for him and it's the right thing to do I will miss him so much! But that's in two years, so we still have lots of time to hang out. YOU ARE THE BEST LITTLE BRO.!


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