Tuesday, November 23, 2010

My new Holiday

So, I was thinking the other day, that I really got to make "Thanksgiving Day" my new holiday. Let me explain, even though I have lived in the US for almost 10 years, the only holiday I thought we had in common was Christmas. Even during Easter, we don't go on a hunt for fun easter eggs, it's actually a day where catholics walk in the streets all day with big pictures and monuments of Jesus, they are all dressed in purple and most people are holding candles.

SO, even Thanksgiving Day didn't really feel like a holiday that I felt like I could be a part of. I almost thought it was silly that people needed a holiday to be grateful for what they have. Nevertheless, I absolutly think it is a marvelous holiday, people are getting together with long distance families just for this day. My husband gets a couple of days off from work! which means I will have extra help for a couple of days with the kids, hooray! it might not feel like it's my holiday to celebrate, but I have decided that I better make the effort to do so because, I have a husband and two children that are from here, it is their holiday and I want them to be excited and celebrate all the important or silly hodidays this country might give them (St. Patricks day.. pinch each other unless you are wearing green?? come one). I may not have any Thanksgiving decorations at home but we will be getting together with family and eating lots. It was a mutual decicion when we all decided that we are not eating turkey, we are having TAMALES! YUM. The funny part of that is that it was the guys who actually came up with the idea: my husband and my two brother in laws (who are all Americans) Of course, we didn't arguee, we would take tamales over turkey any day! :)

So here are a few things that I am very grateful for:
My husband Daniel, I LOVE him more everyday.
My children, they are the best gifts my Heavenly Father could ever give me.
My parents, who taught me since I was young about things in life that really matter, like LOVE, the GOSPEL, and FAMILY.
My country. My heart will always be in Peru.

And then, there are some unimportant things that I am very grateful for also, like:
Makeup!, bras, nail polish, the gym!, cable, internet, cellphones, you name it.

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